Global Advocacy Campaign

Through the Global Advocacy Campaign, ICDE enables members to collaborate in promoting Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (OFDL) on the international stage.

Some of the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign task force leads meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Left to right: Maddie Shellgren (North America lead), Ebba Ossiannilsson (OER lead), Rajni Chand (Oceania lead), Mary Morocho (Latin America co-lead), Melinda Bandalaria (Asia co-lead), Lucy Howe Lopez (Ethics in Education lead)

Campaign framework

What do we want to change?

ICDE members across the globe are taking a leading role in the Global Advocacy Campaign.

Together, we are calling for positive change within OFDL on:

  • Collaboration and quality
  • Valuing student voices
  • The role of technology
  • Guidance for Policy Makers
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)

What would we like to do?

  1. Empower our members to join forces and advocate together in their regions with a global ambition and global framework.
  2. Create the space to discuss the challenges, the needs, and the priorities of OFDL seen from the perspective of the different organizations in the region.
  3. Provide members basic tools for designing an advocacy campaign in their regions and adapt the content in different channels
Example of a social media card used by the Latin American task force.

The GAC toolkit

The following Advocacy Toolkit materials are available to ICDE members participating in the Global Advocacy Campaign. All the materials are CC-licensed by ICDE.











Task forces

The ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign is growing, with task forces currently in Asia, Oceania, Latin America, North America, Africa and Europe. For potential advocacy campaigners from Africa, we encourage you to contact us!

Interested in becoming a campaigner?

ICDE encourages both institutional and individual members to join a regional task force.

Get in touch with the task force lead in your area, or contact ICDE for other ways to get involved.

Task Force Leads

ACDE, Africa Task Force Lead

Contact: Dr. Teresa Mwoma

UNIREDE, Latin America Task Force lead

Contact in Portuguese: Alexandre M. Dos Anjos

CALED, Latin America Task Force co-lead

Contact in Spanish: Mary Morocho

University of the Philippines Open University, Asia Task Force co-lead

Contact: Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria

Asia e University, Asia Task Force co-lead

Contact: Ansary Ahmed

Visit LinkedIn profile

OLC, North America Task Force lead

Contact: Maddie Shellgren

Visit LinkedIn profile

Ebba Ossiannilsson, Task Force in OER lead

Chair of the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee

Visit LinkedIn profile

University of South Pacific, Oceania Task Force lead

Contact: Rajni Kaushal Chand

Visit LinkedIn profile, Task Force in Ethics in Education lead

Contact: Lucy Howe Lopez

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