Institutional Member Guidelines
By joining ICDE, all Institutional members commit to membership until the end of the year, and annually thereafter in-line with the membership responsibilities stated below.
Members acknowledge their right to:
- Vote in ICDE elections
- Seek membership services from the ICDE Secretariat
- Institutional privileges at ICDE conferences and events, including discounts
As well as their responsibility to:
- Inform the ICDE Secretariat of any contact information changes and share updates on current projects and initiatives in the field of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning
- Pay the annual membership fee by the given deadline
- Notify the ICDE Secretariat by 31 October if the institution decides to cancel its ICDE membership. Institutions that notify the Secretariat after 31 October will still be invoiced and required to pay the annual membership fee for the next year.
Shared Values
ICDE expects institutional members to commit to its values and common goals, such as the advancement of inclusive Open, Flexible and Distance Learning.
This includes the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” through ICDE’s partnership with UNESCO.
Agreed Commitment
The membership applicant confirms that they/their institution or organisation will remain engaged until the end of the stipulated membership. The applicant agrees to honour these guidelines and communicate accordingly with the ICDE Secretariat.
Updated 17.09.2024