ICDE Quality Review Service

The ICDE Quality Review Service (QRS) provides member institutions with the opportunity to undertake an independent, external peer-review of the service provided to their students. The focus for the QRS is the enhancement of the quality of student support.

The Review Process

The quality review is conducted in the spirit of academic peer review by a Review team contracted by ICDE chosen from the ICDE membership, but with independent judgement. This service is open to all ICDE insitutional members and requires payment of an addtional fee.

The review includes consideration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to higher education and digital literacies, management systems for educational organizations – and other relevant frameworks, such as the Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education, can also be taken into consideration.

The exact scope of the review is determined by both parties and involves an on-site visit (or, if agreed upon, an online review) to observe and conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders. The review team deliverables include a verbal report to the facility’s management, and a written report in consultation with the institution. 

The institution is encouraged to submit an action plan based on the recommendations and evaluations from the review team. A certificate of completion of the ICDE Quality Review will be issued based on satisfactory findings in the report and proposed action plan, and the ICDE Board’s approval. A renewed review is recommended after the period of the proposed Action Plan.

Themes covered in the review are agreed between the Review team and the institution.

Themes reviewed in previous QRS evaluations include: 

  • Strategic management
  • Curriculum design
  • Course design
  • Course delivery
  • Student support
  • Staff support

Find out more about the most recent QRS undertaken in 2023 for ICDE Institutional
Member, Universitas Terbuka in the video below.

Contact the ICDE Secretariat if you are interested in the ICDE QRS for your institution at icde@icde.org 

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