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ICDE in Brazil – The journey to inclusive education

Event language: Portuguese and English

May 7, 2024 at 1500 UTC-3 Brasilia time / 2000 UTC+2

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Welcome to this special virtual event on the development of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (OFDL) and inclusive education in Brazil.

This interactive event is open to all interested in the field of OFDL in the region. Join us to hear views from local voices in education, ICDE members in Brazil and to find out how you can get involved and join ICDE’s advocacy action as we cooperate to make quality education accessible to all. 

What to expect: 90 min virtual, multilingual event in Portuguese and English

Speakers from ICDE and Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância (ABED) members in the region will speak on the current situation for inclusive education in Brazil

You will have the opportunity to learn about the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign for Brazil region and our soon to be launched ICDE OER Lusophone Project

Participants will have the opportunity to raise questions to our speakers and comment from their institutions

Event start 1500 UTC-3 local time Brasilia. Check the time of the event for your time zone

Register for ICDE Brazil event

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