ICDE Quality Network

The Quality Network gives advice and collects knowledge on the latest developments of quality work related to open, flexible and distance education within their institutions and respective regions.

Read the latest Quality Network report


The Network consists of seven Focal Points on Quality (FPQ) from all world regions. The FPQs have a leading and coordinating role for quality enhancement of open, flexible and distance education within their institutions and regions.

The mandate for the ICDE Quality Network is aligned with the ICDE Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and the ICDE Activity Plan 2023-2024.

Get to know the Quality Network

Souma Alhaj Ali (Chair)

HBMSU, United Arab Emirates

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Moustafa Hassan (Arab region)

HBMSU, United Arab Emirates

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Mary Morocho Quezada (Latin America & Caribbean region)


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George Ubachs (European region)

EADTU, The Netherlands

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Dylan Barth (North American region)

Online Learning Consortium (OLC), USA

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Ojat Darojat (Asian region)

Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia

Rajni Chand (Oceania region)

University of the South Pacific, Fiji

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Obhajajie Juliet Inegbedion (Africa region)

National Open University of Nigeria

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