ICDE OER Advocacy Committee

The OER Advocacy Committee (OERAC) works towards increasing global recognition of Open Educational Resources (OER), and provide policy support for the uptake, use and reuse of OER.

About the OERAC

All members of the ICDE OERAC are appointed as Ambassadors for OER for the period 2023-2024 and their work is aligned with the ICDE Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and the ICDE Activity Plan 2023-2024.

The Committee is Chaired by Prof. Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, Quality in Open Online Learning Consultancy (Sweden) and former Vice-President of the Swedish Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (SADE).


  • Melinda de la Pena Bandalaria, Chancellor and Professor, University of the Philippines Open University, the Philippines
  • Xiangyang Zhang, Emeritus Professor, Open University of Jiangsu, China
  • Jozefa Fawcett, Learning Specialist Consultant, UK
  • Constance Blomgren, Associate Professor, Athabasca University, Canada
  • Chadia Mansour, ICDE Student member, Athabasca University, Canada
  • Rosa Leonor Ulloa Cazarez, Professor, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Cristine Gusmao, Associate Professor, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
  • Lilia Cheniti, Associate Professor, Sousse University, Tunisia
  • Claire Goode, Learning and Teaching Specialist / Principal Lecturer, Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand
  • Richard Kajumbula, Associate Lecturer and Program Manager, Makerere University, Uganda

Further reading

Open Education Framework Report 2022


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