International Partners and Networks

ICDE is part of several international networks and has a number of collaborative partnerships around the world.

The ICDE Secretariat works to support the ICDE community with internationalisation and networking opportunities by connecting members to each other. By forging partnerships with international and regional associations, ICDE facilitates knowledge exchange and cross-nation collaborative opportunities for its members.

Consultative Partner to UNESCO

ICDE has been a consultative partner to UNESCO since 1967, and works with them in the service of international cooperation and development.

This status grants ICDE’s members a voice at UNESCO, while obliging ICDE to acquaint its members with UNESCO programmes, activities and achievements pertaining to open and distance education. ICDE is also a member of the UNESCO Global Education Coalition.


The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
European Training Foundation (ETF)
The Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ)
International Community of Online Schools (ICONS)
LearningPlanet Alliance


Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education

Knowledge Equity Network

Network of Open Orgs

World Digital Education Alliance

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